Thursday, August 2, 2012

Animal that has a Segmented Body

Animal that has a Segmented Body- body divided into segments that are often grouped into larger functional units. An example of an animal that has a segmented would be the lobster in the picture that I took at my favorite seafood restaurant. The lobster has a repeated series of segments that divides its body. 


Detritivore- a heterotroph that obtains nutrients by consuming detritus. A good example of a detritivore is an earthworm which you can see on the leaf in this picture that I took at the park. Earthworms are considered soil-dwelling detritivores. 

Radial Symmetry

Radial Symmetry- arrangement of parts in an organism or an organ that any cut taken through the centre divides the structure into similar halves. I found this beautiful flower that represents radial symmetry outside a local cafe. 


Commensalism- a relationship in which two species of plants or other organisms coexist without hurting each other. This picture shows a bee extracting pollen from the flower. The flower uses pollen and the bee spreads the pollen from flower to flower. They work together and co-exist peacefully. 

C4 Plant

C4 Plant- plant in which CO2 is first fixed into a compound containing four carbon atoms before entering the Calvin cycle and of photosynthesis. This picture shows crabgrass which has the ability to capture carbon dioxide. I found this plant at an apartment near my house. 


Pollinator- biotic agent that moves pollen from the male anthers of a flower to the female stigma of a flower to accomplish fertilization of the female gamete in the ovule of the flower by the male gamete from the pollen grain. This picture shows a bee pollinating the flower in my neighbor's garden. Bees are considered the major type of pollinator in ecosystems that contain flowering plants 


Pollen- fine powder produced by certain plants. During summer it's released into the air and picked up by the wind which brings it to other plants to fertilize them. As you can see, the flower in the picture  in my backyard has pollen (the little bits of yellow). 

Cellular Respiration

Cellular Respiration- set of the metabolic reactions and processes that take place in the cells of organisms to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into ATP and then release waste products. In this picture I exhaled onto my glass sliding door. The glass fogged up from the condensation of the moisture in my breath. 

Adaptation in an Animal

Adaptation in an Animal- describes traits in animals that have allowed them to evolve with their surroundings.  The paw of my friend's dog Georgie is a perfect example. His paw has adapted to his surroundings. It has gotten calloused to protect his paws from the rough, hot, and cold concrete where he usually walks on. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Parasitism- non mutual relationship between organisms of different species where one organism, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host. One organism is harmed which in the picture is the plant and the organism that benefits is the caterpillar, the parasite. As you can see these are plant leaves in my neighbor's garden which were destroyed by the parasite. 


Eukaryote- organism whose cells contain complex structures enclosed within membranes. All eukaryotes have a nucleus. My mom is an example of a eukaryote since human cells all have a nucleus and are multicellular. This picture was taken at the park. 

Calvin Cycle

Calvin Cycle- takes place in the leaves of plants and converts carbon dioxide, NADPH, ATP, and water to glyceraldehyde -3-phosphate, hydrogen ions, NADP+, and ADP through carbon fixation. This specimen of leaves goes through the process of calvin cycle. I found them in our backyard. 

Adaptation of a Plant

Adaptation of a Plant- are special features that allow a plant to live in a particular place or habitat. This picture shows a plant that have air spaces in their stems that hold them up in the water. I found this specific plant at my aunt's pond. 


Hydrophobic- lacking an affinity for water; insoluble in water; repelling water. This is a picture of pure olive oil that my mom uses for cooking. 


ATP- organic compound composed of adenosine and three phosphate groups; nucleotide that contains a large amount of chemical energy stored in it's high energy phosphate bonds. Our body movements require action by our muscles. Muscle contraction requires ATP. In this picture of my dad at the park about to punt the ball, ATP is utilized. 


Population- a group of organisms of one species, living in a certain area. This picture shows a group of  people (humans) camping outside for the evening at our nearby church. The group kept getting larger and larger as the night went by. 

Anther and Filament of a Stamen

Anther & Filament of a Stamen- The stamen is the male reproductive organ and each stamen has a stalk called the filament. The top of the filament is the anther. The stamen is where the reproductive process of pollination takes place. This picture shows a flower and it's organs (anthers & stamen) which was right outside my house. 

Homologous Structures

Homologous Structures- Structures derived from a common ancestor or same evolutionary or developmental origin. These structures may not necessarily perform the same function but they share a common skeletal structure. The picture shows my hand and my dog's paw which look very different compared to each other but in fact we do have a similar bone structure. 


Protein- a molecule composed of polymers of amino acids joined together by peptide bonds. I took a picture of milk, eggs, and peanut butter which offer good amounts of protein. I found all of these things in my lovely kitchen. 

Cuticle Layer of a Plant

Cuticle Layer of a Plant- the cuticle layer is a non-cellular protective layer covering the outer cell layer (epidermis) of the green aerial plants of land plants. The specimen is the leaf which was on a plant at the park. The cuticle layer of this leaf is waxy and it provides protection. 


Autotroph- organism that produces complex organic compounds from simple substances by the process of photosynthesis. The specimen is the flower which is autotrophic since it takes energy from the sun and turns it into usable energy or ATP through photosynthesis. I found this flower at my friend's garden. 

CAM Plant

CAM Plant- plant that utilizes (cam) as an adaptation for arid conditions. CO2 entering the stomata during the night is converted into organic acids which release CO2 for the calvin cycle during the day when the stomata is closed. The cactus is able to conserve water for itself. The specimen is a cactus which our neighbor grows.  


K Strategist- organisms that produce small numbers of offspring at a time and protect their young. This is my dog Ariel who falls in the category of a k-strategist.


Coevolution- the change of a biological object triggered by the change of a related object. Coevolution exists between two entities. For example a host and symbiont. We found this butterfly which was pollinating on the flower, which makes the butterfly dependent on the flower for nectar. The specimens are the flower and the butterfly. 


Cambium- a meristimatic plant tissue, commonly present as a thin layer which forms new layers on both sides. Located either in vascular tissue forming xylem on one side and phloem on the other or in the cork. The specimen is called Cambium. This picture is a tree in a nearby park. The cambium is the plant tissue in the bark of the tree.