Thursday, August 2, 2012

Animal that has a Segmented Body

Animal that has a Segmented Body- body divided into segments that are often grouped into larger functional units. An example of an animal that has a segmented would be the lobster in the picture that I took at my favorite seafood restaurant. The lobster has a repeated series of segments that divides its body. 


Detritivore- a heterotroph that obtains nutrients by consuming detritus. A good example of a detritivore is an earthworm which you can see on the leaf in this picture that I took at the park. Earthworms are considered soil-dwelling detritivores. 

Radial Symmetry

Radial Symmetry- arrangement of parts in an organism or an organ that any cut taken through the centre divides the structure into similar halves. I found this beautiful flower that represents radial symmetry outside a local cafe. 


Commensalism- a relationship in which two species of plants or other organisms coexist without hurting each other. This picture shows a bee extracting pollen from the flower. The flower uses pollen and the bee spreads the pollen from flower to flower. They work together and co-exist peacefully. 

C4 Plant

C4 Plant- plant in which CO2 is first fixed into a compound containing four carbon atoms before entering the Calvin cycle and of photosynthesis. This picture shows crabgrass which has the ability to capture carbon dioxide. I found this plant at an apartment near my house. 


Pollinator- biotic agent that moves pollen from the male anthers of a flower to the female stigma of a flower to accomplish fertilization of the female gamete in the ovule of the flower by the male gamete from the pollen grain. This picture shows a bee pollinating the flower in my neighbor's garden. Bees are considered the major type of pollinator in ecosystems that contain flowering plants 


Pollen- fine powder produced by certain plants. During summer it's released into the air and picked up by the wind which brings it to other plants to fertilize them. As you can see, the flower in the picture  in my backyard has pollen (the little bits of yellow).